EUROMAGH BioComposites 2018

The 2nd EuroMaghrébine Conference of BioComposites, which will be held together with the 2nd EuroMaghrébine Summer School of BioComposites, is organized by the Laboratory of Electromechanical Systems (LASEM) of the National Engineering School of Sfax (Tunisia), The Research Unit of Transformations and Agroresources UniLaSalle-Campus Rouen (France), the Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Geo-Environment (LGCgE) (via the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of IMT Lille Douai (France) and the Institute for Polymers and Composites, University of Minho (Portugal) within the framework of the Network EuroMaghreb BioComposites.

It will bring together researchers and industrialists, motivated by the demand of combining efforts and experiences to promote agro-materials, especially biocomposites, in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, and thus contribute to enhance the natural resources of these regions.


1- Agroresources and reinforcement in natural fibers:Morphology - Physiology - Properties

2- Bio resins: Formulation - Processes - Characterization

3- Interface Agroresources and/or Fiber/Matrix

4- Plant aggregates and vegetal concrete:Characterization - Formulation - Multiphysics Properties

5- Biocomposites: Processing –  Properties - Sustainability

6- Modeling: Implementation - Physical Properties and mechanical-multiphysical behavior

 7- Recycling and Industrial Valorization



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